Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 46 - Kakashi Hatake

Chapter 46 - Kakashi Hatake

Yuna, Naruto, and Hinata were currently standing in front of the academy. It was finally time for them to meet their new jonin senseis. Well, Naruto and Hinata would. Yuna\'s sensei, apparently, is still outside of Konoha on a mission.

All three of them wore rather similar looking pants. But, while Naruto\'s were orange, Yuna\'s were ice-blue and Hinata\'s were a violet, that looked suspiciously similar in color to Yuna\'s eyes.

All three of them had, like most shinobi, a holster for shuriken and other tools on their sides. Although they looked like normal holsters that can be bought anywhere, Yuna slightly modified them with seals…which turned them into "national treasure grade" equipment.

They have huge storage space and as long as they aren\'t more than a kilometer apart, things inside one of the bags can be taken out from the other bags, as well. Additionally, they are pretty much impossible to be stolen or destroyed.

Naruto wore a comfortable tracksuit. It was black with orange sleeves and he had an orange Uzumaki clan symbol on his back. His hairstyle was rather similar to his father. Considering he has also been growing rather quickly lately and has reached 1,52 meters in height and he looked very similar to his father. Yuna found it simply ridiculous that no one has said anything about that yet. He had a mischievous smile on his face and his blue eyes radiated excitement.

Hinata on the other hand wore a simple white hooded jacket with a purple Uzumaki symbol on her back. Her jacket\'s zipper was undone and revealed a simple blue shirt underneath it that, to Kurama\'s annoyance, had a very small red fox stitched onto it above Hinata\'s chakra center. It was gifted to her by Yuna with the words: \'\'Now all three of us can have a lazy fox hanging around with us." And Hinata naturally loved it. She had hip-length hair that she simply let cascade down her back with two strands framing her face. Her height was 1,49 meters and she, just like Naruto, had excitement radiating out of her eyes, while a calm and confident smile adorned her face. Today she would finally be completly set free from the Hyuga clan and she naturally couldn\'t wait.

Yuna wore a blue Haori with white trimming that had purple snowflakes sewn into it. Her back was adorned with a golden Uzumaki clan symbol with 5 small purple spikes fitted around it. This combination made it look a little bit like Yuna was carrying a huge crown on her back if someone looks at it closer. Her crimson-colored hair with blue strands was tied to a simple ponytail that reached her shoulder blades. While one blue and one red of the strands were framing her face. Her facial features were similar to Kushina but much sharper. Unlike Kushina\'s eyes, which usually radiated friendliness and excitement, Yuna\'s purple eyes held deep profoundness and composure. Her height was similar to Naruto\'s at 1,51 meters. She didn\'t mind being a little smaller than Naruto, since it is rather normal for a man to be a bit taller than a woman. She had a calm smile on her face as she entered the shinobi academy for the last time.

As soon as they entered the classroom, Ino approached them with a happy smile.

"Hello, it is good to see that everyone is here."

As soon as she finished that sentence, she glared at Naruto who could only chuckle dryly in return.

"So… mind telling me what you failing the exam was all about?"

Naruto gave her another small chuckle and then started his explanation.

"Look, Ino-chan, it is not what…"

"It was to play another prank, right?"

Naruto seemed to have received a physical blow after Ino\'s question and staggered back a little. Unfortunately for him, the floor was, for some unknown reason, frozen over, exactly where Naruto was trying to step. Naruto slipped and started to fall. While he was falling, he tried to grab everything he could to prevent his fall. Unfortunately, that "everything" turned out to be Uchiha Sasuke who was too busy brooding to react, so both of them crashed to the ground.

When Yuna saw what kind of position they fell into, Yuna almost wanted to applaud Naruto\'s skills. Sasuke was laying on his back, while Naruto was on top of him. One of Naruto\'s knees was dangerously close to Sasuke\'s crotch, while Naruto was holding his upper body with one hand that was just beside Sasuke\'s ear. The spiciest part was that Naruto\'s and Sasuke\'s lips were almost touching each other.

\'If Naruto\'s instincts were worse it actually would have happened, huh? I just wanted Naruto to trip into Sasuke, who would have thought I would create such a spicy scene.\'

[BWAHAHAHAH, I can only imagine how my other part feels. I wonder if he would have managed to cut off his sense in time if it actually happened.]


Yuna could only shake her head when she heard the banshee scream. Even after Yuna gave her a reality check, she still insisted on running after Sasuke. Naruto, on the other hand, was currently shaking in fear. The target of his fear was, naturally, not Sakura, but the two purple eyes that were currently locked onto him and held nothing but amusement.

Naruto stood up as quickly as possible and was about to leave the room when two hands landed on his shoulders. Instead of hands, however, it felt like chains were attached to him instead. He slowly turned his head around and saw Yuna looking at him with a motherly smile.

"Don\'t worry, Naruto, as your nee-san I will naturally support you. I can\'t really approve of Sasuke, but I am sure things will work out somehow."

Naruto\'s face turned completely pale after hearing that, while almost coughing up some blood. The whole classroom turned completely silent as everyone was giving Naruto and Sasuke weird looks. Yuna could see that she might be pushing a little far this time, so she decided to quickly de-escalate the situation.

"Hahaha, Naruto, don\'t look at me like that. You should know I was only joking around, right?"

Naruto couldn\'t help but give Yuna an angry pout.

"Please control yourself, nee-san."

"Haha, sorry, okay? I was surprised how great you landed, so I lost control for a little."

While Naruto and Yuna were bickering, Sasuke finally managed to get out of his stupor. He was just about to yell at the twins, when Iruka entered the room, so the only thing he could do was glare at them. Yuna and Naruto, however, didn\'t even notice him, which made him even angrier.

"Okay, everyone. I am here to tell you about the jonin that will act as your sensei from now on. You will form a team under your new sensei with two other genins and form a three-man cell under the guidance of your jonin sensei. From now on your sensei will be responsible for your education and will teach you how to become stronger."

"I will now read out the team assignments: Team Seven will consist of Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno…"


"… and Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto couldn\'t help but groan when he heard that. His luck was really bad to be in a team with those two. Yuna on the other hand could only nod in approval.

\'Despite how he usually acts, that old man is surprisingly cunning. With Sasuke\'s arrogance and Sakura\'s obsession with him, these two make perfect cannon fodder in case the situation gets dicey. While idiot number one and two are happily fighting their opponents to the death, their sensei should have enough time to rescue the valuable Jinchuuriki. Not bad, old man. Not bad, at all.\'

Hiruzen, meanwhile, considered whether it was really okay to choose the new genin teams randomly after Yuna\'s request, but after considering how much time it would take him to properly balance them, time that he would rather spend admiring his new treasure, he decided to not think about it anymore.

Back in the classroom, Iruka continued his announcement.

"As for your jonin sensei, it will be Kakashi Hatake. Apparently, Yuna Uzumaki will temporarily be part of team seven, as well, since her jonin is currently on a mission outside of Konoha."

\'Oh? That was unexpected. I\'m temporarily in a team with Naruto? Is the old man trying to butter up to me now?\'

Hiruzen, meanwhile, was kowtowing in front of a shrine that had multiple books placed on it. At the very top of it, was the treasure he acquired just a few days ago from Yuna: The review copy of "Garden of Lilies".

"I offer my prayer to Eros-sama, the god of Gentleman."

The team assignments continued and about a minute later, everyone was assigned to a team. Hinata was together with Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame.

Kiba was rather brash and loud, but he at least seemed loyal, while Shino seemed to be calm and collected, which was slightly surprising to Yuna. In her previous life, people that grew bugs insider their body were pretty much all nutjobs, after all.

Ino was teamed up with Shikamaru and Chouji, which probably doesn\'t surprise anyone that knew the history of their clans. They have been fighting side by side for ages and naturally would continue to do so.

As for the jonin that would lead their teams from now on? Yuna has almost no information about them except for their bingo book entries. She found it a little weird that Kurenai Yuuhi, someone who excels at genjutsu, was taking charge of a tracking team, though.

"Your new sensei will appear here shortly. I wish everyone in this room good luck in their future endeavors."

A few minutes later, Ino\'s and Hinata\'s sensei arrived to take them somewhere, while team seven and Yuna were still waiting.

An hour later, the four of them still sat inside the classroom. Sasuke seemed to be determined to brood until Kakashi arrived, while Sakura seemed to get slowly annoyed by all the waiting. Yuna and Naruto meanwhile had their heads on their tables and appeared to be sleeping.

Another hour passed by. Sakura was visibly annoyed, while Sasuke was continuing to brood. Yuna and Naruto were still sleeping with a calm smile on their faces.

Meanwhile, Kakashi was looking at his new students and shook his head.

\'They show no signs of wanting to be a team. Guess this is another failure. Those two twins are even sleeping. They seemed to have no awareness of their surroundings at all. Oh well, guess I\'ll wait another hour.\' After saying that he pulled a book out of his back pocket and started reading.

\'Ah, Red Rose-sensei, just when will you release your next masterpiece?\'

Another hour passes and as soon as Kakashi decides to stop observing their classroom, Yuna and Naruto wake up from their "sleep". They glanced at each other for a moment and then nodded their heads. Naruto stood up with a smirk. He walked towards the door and placed a chalk sponge on top of it.

"What are you doing, idiot? He is a jonin. There is no way he will fall for that."

Naruto smirked at Sakura before answering her.

"The more layers you add, the harder it will be to find the core."

Sakura had, naturally, no idea what that meant. She was about to retort, when the door opened and Kakashi entered, just to have a sponge fall on his head. Even Yuna couldn\'t help but raise her brow a little when she saw him actually fall for that.

\'Is he trying to teach us something with this or is he just not attuned to attacks without killing intent?\'

"Hmm… How can I say this…My first impre…"

Kakashi, however, couldn\'t finish his sentence, as a barrage of wooden shuriken were shot at him. His single visible eye widened in surprise as he quickly dodged all of them with minimal movements. He was just about to dodge the last one when he noticed that a cake was being hurled at the exact location where he wanted to dodge to. He quickly pumped chakra through his body and twisted away his head to barely dodge the cake and after he managed to do so, a single chalk sponge landed onto his head. This, immediately, silenced the room.

Kakashi quickly scanned through the faces of his new team to understand the situation. Sasuke and Sakura seem to have no idea what just happened, while Yuna and Naruto had an annoyed pout on their face. He was just about to put more thought into it when Naruto interrupted him.

"You know, sensei, that would have been much funnier if you weren\'t hit by the first sponge, you know?"

"You are right, Naruto. Why did we even bother with that elaborate setup if we could have hit him that easy? What a waste."

Silence descended on the room before it was broken by Sakura.

"WAIT!!! You are responsible for the cakes!?"

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